"Pirate Ship Name Generator" - Shiver Me Timbers and All That Jazz

  • The Disgrace of the Eel
  • The Dragon's Barnacle
  • The Hellish Doubloon of Hades
  • The Red Hoard
  • The Vile Strumpet of the Ocean

Sunday, March 2, 2008

I'm a Wishful Thinker With the Worst Intentions

Greetings cuddly alien friends!

I hope things on your respective home planets are going swimmingly. It's been far too long since I posted all the inner workings of the mess that is my brain. And since The Nanny was so kind to tag me, here I am! I'm not going to tag anyone, since she stole all the people I wanted to tag. Stealerface.

The rules:
1) Link to the person who tagged you (see above).
2) Post the rules.
3) Share six non-important things / habits / quirks about yourself.
4) Tag at least three people.
5) Make sure the people you tagged KNOW you tagged them by commenting what you did.


ichi ~ I have 13,211 songs in my iTunes library. That's 35.7 days and 79.76 GB of randomness.

ni ~ I think that vampires are incredibly sexy.

~ I've been taking Latin for five years straight. Six if you count Classics, which I took in 7th grade.

~ I bleed orange. Longhorn for life.

~ I believe in magic.

roku ~ I've read the first Harry Potter book over 20 times. I can basically quote the entire first movie.

So you were born in an electrical storm,
Took a bite out the sun,
Saw your future in a machine built for two.

EDIT // Wow. I cannot read. Five is not six. Let's just leave it at that. And also. Tagging Stella.