"Pirate Ship Name Generator" - Shiver Me Timbers and All That Jazz

  • The Disgrace of the Eel
  • The Dragon's Barnacle
  • The Hellish Doubloon of Hades
  • The Red Hoard
  • The Vile Strumpet of the Ocean

Saturday, September 8, 2007

New Mexico, Here I Come

Hi lovers.

Alrighty. First real post. I can't remember the last time I wrote a blog entry. Probably in my Xanga. Which was kinda pointless. But hey. Somethingsomething.

Basically The Nanny, D., Sidera, and I are going to have our four secret little blogs and feel super cool and being secret agents or something with them. Or maybe just write stuff. And be like "THE SUN IS SHINING IN NEW MEXICO TODAY, Blake!"

Ugh. College. I am not going to get in anywhereeeee. Someone kill me now. Siriusly. I hate life. I want to go somewhere big, liberal, and Asian-friendly. Is that so much to ask for?

Anywhosit. Going to spaz over that. Later alligators.

-Zanzibar George
Now playing: The Used - Find a Way
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

The Nanny said...

the sun is shining in mexico, blake!

and come to boston. it's where all the cool kids go.

much love to my zanzi!

the nanny